<## quiz.hts - multiple choice quiz system for htmlscript 2.97 This active document automates the creation of multiple choices quizes and provides a facility to run and score the quiz. PROCEDURE FOR INSTALLING THIS ACTIVE DOCUMENT: 1. Copy the sample datafiles "quiz*.dat" to the directory where htmlscript data is stored. If you are uncertain what this means, then contact your site administrator. 2. Copy the sample active document file "quiz.hts" to the directory where htmlscript active documents are stored. 3. Change the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION VARIABLES (search for SYSTEM in this document to find this section) 4. The active document should run!! WHERE TO GET HELP: htmlscript maintains an open list server for the htmlscript users group. You can post messages to this list with questions and items of interest for other htmlscript users. To subscribe to this list send email to majordomo@htmlscript.com with the following on the *first line* of the message body (not the subject): subscribe hts-users youremail@domain.com To post messages to the list send email to hts-users@htmlscript.com ##> <## This line builds the URL for this active document, it should not need to be changed. The server_name variable contains the domain name of the server. The script_name variable contains the path to the htmlscript executable. The arg1 variable contains the name of the active document. ##> <## SYSTEM CONFIGURATION VARIABLES ##> <## The action variable contains a word that tells the active document where to begin execution. It is passed on the URL command line from one instance of the active document to another. If there is no arguments on the command line, then it is considered the first instance of the active document. ##> <## from form submit ##> <## the following routine is called from the main quiz list ##> <## find the file name from the title ##> <## log the quiz selection ##> <## Hmm. This should not be possible, but check anyhow ##> ERROR


The selected title &[quizname] does not exist in the system. <## now that we have a quiz lets run it!! ##> <## no arguments on the command line, must be first instance of active document ##> Quiz System

Quiz System

Select A Quiz To Take

Select one of the titles in the list box and Run The Quiz or use the Quiz Creation System to build your own quiz! No programming knowledge is needed to build your own mulitple choice quiz.

Go to htmlscript home page

Go to htmlscript sample active document page


<## get the current quiz data ##>
<## display the question if we are not continuing from the display of possible answers from a prior question ##>

You scored &[score] from a possible &[count] in the quiz.

Go To Main Quiz System

Go to htmlscript home page

Go to htmlscript sample active document page

Quiz Creation

Quiz Creation


Quiz Title

INSTRUCTIONS: After entering a title, you will be presented with a form asking you for the first question and a possible answer for the question. You will also be provided with the options of making the possible answer TRUE or FALSE and the option of adding additional possible answers for the question.

Once you have created all of the possible answers for the question (one of the answers must be TRUE), then you can either add another question and repeat the process of making possible answers or completing the quiz.

Once your quiz has been completed, then your quiz will automatically be added to the list of available quizs on the opening page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The questions and possible answers are written as you create the quiz. Do Not use the back button in your browser to attempt to edit an entry. Once an entry is committed it is permanent and cannot be edited -- think your questions and possible answers through carefully before entering them in the system!!

What Do You Want To Do Next?

Create Question &[qnumber]
possible answer


A quiz is constructed of multiple questions with each question having multiple possible answers. Only one possible answer can be true.

Before proceeding with this system, it would be a good idea to construct an outline of your questions and possible answers as follows:

  • Question 1 (Which animal flies?)
    • Possible Answer 1(bird)(false)
    • Possible Answer 2(cat)(true)
    • Possible Answer 3(dog)(false)
  • Question 2 (San Diego is in which state?)
    • Possible Answer 1(California)(true)
    • Possible Answer 2(Michigan)(false)
    • Possible Answer 3(New York)(false)
    • Possible Answer 4(Illinois)(false)

In the first form, enter in a question and the first possible answer for the question. You will have the opportunity to provide additional possible answers in subsequent screens. Select the options to define if the possible answer is true and if there are additional possible answers.

If you select NO to the radio button, "Is this the last possible answer for the question?" then you will be presented with a form that allows you to add an additional possible answer which is associated with the same question.

You can add as many possible answers to a question as you want -- when you are done adding possible answers, for the question, then select YES to the radio button, "Is this the last possible answer for the question?" -- after submitting (committing), you will be asked if you would like to add an additional question to your quiz.

Once you select True for a possible answer, you will still be allowed to enter additional possible answers for the question, but they will be assumed to be False.

Questions are added to the quiz as you go through the forms. Do Not use the back button in your browser to attempt to edit a question or possible answer. Once a question and/or a possible answer is committed, it will be written to the quiz file.

Enter question

Enter possible answer for Question

Is the possible answer:
Is this the last possible answer for the question?